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Asthma, Feline


About the Diagnosis

Feline asthma (also known as feline allergic bronchitis) is a respiratory disease that can affect cats of any age. Cats with this disease have episodes of labored breathing (dyspnea) that can include coughing and wheezing. Some cats exhibit open-mouth breathing (pant like a dog), which is abnormal in all cats except under situations of anxiety such as traveling. Cats with asthma have trouble breathing because the tiny airways (bronchioles) in the lungs become obstructed or narrowed. This constriction decreases the amount of air that is allowed to enter and leave the lungs. Over time, these airways can suffer permanent damage and remain constricted. This can be a serious, life-threatening disease for some cats.

Feline asthma can be aggravated by environmental pollutants (allergens) such as cigarette or cigar smoke, dust from cat litter, carpet or other types of household cleaners, and seasonal airborne allergies. Stressful events can also trigger these episodes in some cats.

The veterinarian may perform tests to look for other causes of these severe respiratory problems. For example, cats can get heartworms, especially in warmer climates. The outward symptoms (clinical signs) of feline heartworm disease can mimic asthma. To test for feline heartworms, a small blood sample is taken. Other possible impostors for asthma are parasites that can live in the lungs. These can be diagnosed by performing one or more fecal (stool) examinations.

Parasites and other organisms such as bacteria and viruses can sometimes be found in the lungs by performing a tracheal wash. For this procedure, the cat is sedated and a small tube is gently inserted into the windpipe (trachea). A small amount of sterile fluid is injected and removed. The fluid is then tested for various organisms.

Living with the Diagnosis

As with asthma in many humans, the cause (trigger) for asthma in cats may or may not ever be determined. Fortunately, medication is available that can help to reduce the frequency and severity of coughing and wheezing. However, once the cat begins to take medication, the symptoms may improve greatly, but it can then be difficult to determine the cause of asthma because the medication masks the symptoms. There are many things that cat owners can do at home to try to help their cat with asthma:

  • Avoid exposing the cat to cigarette and/or cigar smoke.
  • Change furnace filters regularly.
  • Control molds, mildew, and dust.
  • Do not use perfumes, hair sprays, or air fresheners.
  • Consider using an air filtration system.
  • Use hypoallergenic household cleaning agents.
  • Use shredded paper or even sand instead of cat litter.


Emergency Treatment: Any cat that has a severe breathing problem should be taken to a veterinarian or to the local emergency clinic immediately. Despite severe symptoms, the cat is likely sensitive to surrounding stress, and an effort should be made to have the trip be as calm as possible under the circumstances. Avoid lifting and moving the cat as much as possible. This is stressful for the cat and can aggravate the breathing problem. The veterinary staff will place the cat in a calm, quiet environment. Oxygen may be given to help the cat to breathe more comfortably. Injectable medication may be given to reduce inflammation and dilate the network of airways (bronchioles) in the lungs. If this is the first time that the cat has had this type of problem and feline asthma has never been diagnosed, the veterinarian may take x-rays of the cat's chest and perform other tests when the cat is calm. This is because labored breathing in cats may be caused by many different diseases, including those mentioned above, as well as heart diseases, certain types of tumors, and many other types of serious and less serious disorders.

Long-Term Management: Ideally, treatment involves determining the cause (allergen) of the coughing and wheezing and removing it from the cat's environment (see Living with the Diagnosis). If the cause cannot be determined this way, medication may be necessary to help improve the cat's quality of life if asthmatic crises are frequent and/or severe.

For cats with frequent, severe respiratory distress, meticulously trying to identify and eliminate the triggering allergen becomes a less important immediate concern because it can take too long. While the exact cause is being investigated, the cat may still be experiencing episodes of respiratory distress. For these cats, therefore, drugs are required to prevent (ideally) or control the episodes and to keep the cat as comfortable as possible. Corticosteroids, which are cortisone-like drugs, can help by decreasing inflammation in the airways but should be given on as limited a basis as possible because of their secondary effects (weight gain/obesity, opportunistic infections, etc.). Medication can also be given to further open the small airways in the lungs (bronchodilators). Some cats may need to take both types of medicine. Some cats tolerate these drugs when they are given through an inhaler once or twice daily, the same way humans inhale medication through asthma pumps. A small tube or mask containing medicine is gently held against the cat's nose. As the cat inhales, the drug is inhaled. If certain infectious organisms are suspected (mycoplasma, bacteria), antibiotics may need to be given, although this occurs very uncommonly. For cats with seasonal allergies, drugs may only need to be given during a certain period of the year.

Your veterinarian will discuss various treatments with you after test results are known. It may be necessary to adjust the medicine (types of medicine and frequency of administration) several times to find the right schedule for your cat.


  • Give medicine exactly as directed.
  • Attempt to determine the cause of the asthma in the cat's environment.
  • Take your cat to your veterinarian or to the emergency clinic if breathing problems develop.


  • Do not force any cat to take drugs if it is too stressful.
  • Do not stop giving a drug if you suspect that you know the cause of your cat's asthma until you have talked with your veterinarian. It can be dangerous to suddenly stop giving some drugs (withdrawal effect).

When to Call Your Veterinarian

  • If you cannot give a drug as scheduled.
  • If you cannot keep a scheduled appointment.
  • If your cat may be having an adverse reaction to a drug; signs include hives (bumps under the skin), weakness, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, seizures, etc.

Signs to Watch For

  • Open-mouth breathing, coughing, wheezing, and fainting.